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Hilltop Historical Society

Talks and Tours of Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery


Please contact Hilltop Historical Society Board Member Lt. Col. Dick Hoffman at campchase@columbus.rr.com for scheduling your school, group or organization for a "Talk and Tour" of Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery...our treasure here in Ohio's bosom.
He has a powerpoint presentation that has been given at both Binns and Westgate Elementary schools for the past two years along with a tour of the cemetery.


"With Malice Towards None" 



Could she be the infamous "Lady in Gray" searching for her lost love then swiftly disappearing? :)


Mr. James H. Brocker and son, Eric of Harvest, AL
at Mr. Brocker's great grandfather, Private James Jacks grave. 
Private Jacks died of pneumonia January 24, 1865.


"If there is one thing I can say about the Northern people in the city of Columbus these days, it is that they have most certainly taken good care of, given proper respect and remembered the final resting places of the 2260 Confederate men who died while incarcerated there. Even in the present day, each summer the people of the city hold a ceremony at Chase Cemetery for these “Americans” who fought, suffered and died for their beliefs".


                                                               Excerpt from A Story Carved in Stone

                                                                                       by James H. Brocker


The newly reclaimed land, alignment and cleaning of Pvt. James Jacks grave.
Confederate Memorial Day May 31, 2010

